A+際立って優れている。主題を全て理解し,広範な知識を持ち,概念や方法を巧みに使いこなして高度な課題を遂行できる。Excellent performance demonstrating an excellent understanding of the subject matter, a foundation of extensive knowledge, and a skillful use of concepts and/or methods for accomplishing advanced tasks.4.3
A優れている。主題のほとんどを理解し,必要な知識を持ち,概念や方法を適切に使って課題を遂行できる。Very good performance demonstrating an almost complete understanding of the subject matter, a foundation of knowledge, and an appropriate use of concepts and/or methods for accomplishing tasks.4.0
B良好である。主題を十分理解し,問題・題材を扱うことができる。Good performance demonstrating a sufficient understanding of the subject matter, and an ability to handle the problems and materials encountered in the subject.3.0
C良好な面もあるが不足も目につく。主題の基本的な部分を理解し,比較的簡単な問題を扱うことができて,より高度な学修に進める状態になっている。Adequate performance demonstrating a basic understanding of the subject matter, an ability to handle relatively simple problems, and preparation for moving on to more advanced work in the field, but also demonstrating noticeable deficiencies.2.0
C-最低限の基準に達している。主題を最低限理解し,簡単な問題を扱うことはできるが,より高度な学修へと進むには更に努力が必要である。Minimally acceptable performance demonstrating at least a partial understanding of the subject matter and some capacity to deal with simple problems, but also demonstrating deficiencies serious enough to make it inadvisable to proceed further in the field without additional work.1.0
F最低基準を満たしていない。Failed. This grade also signifies that the student must repeat the subject to receive credit.0
P合格(合否等により成績評価を行う授業科目)Passed. Passing grade for those courses designated as pass/fail courses for grading purposes.
NP不合格(合否等により成績評価を行う授業科目)Not Passed. Failing grade for those courses designated as pass/fail courses for grading purposes.
T認定(入学前や他大学等で修得した単位)Transfer Credit. Credits transferred for courses taken at outside institutions or before enrollment.
W学生から履修継続の意思がないことが申し立てられたため又は様々な合理的理由(課題が提出されない,試験を受験しない等)から学生に履修継続の意思がないと教員が判断したため,成績評価を行わないことを示す。Withdrawal. Recorded when the student officially withdraws from the course or when the instructor has a legitimate reason for determining the student has no intention to continue the course (such as the student did not turn in assignments or was absent from examinations). The instructor will not assign a grade.